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InConexus is a private organization dedicated to creating sustainable alternatives through market opportunities, aiming to establish mutual benefits between the corporate sector and social-based organizations in the following areas: green businesses, direct trade (fair conditions), inclusive partnerships, and corporate social responsibility.

InConexus, for more than 20 years has earned international trade and market access within the agribusiness sector, in empowering communities and promoting the conservation of forests as biological corridors to endemic and migratory birds with agroecological and regenerative practices.


InConexus continually strives to create significant and measurable value in collaboration with the communities it engages with. This approach, which we call our Shared Value, is at the core of our company.

An example of one of these projects is Women’s Power, which aims to benefit female coffee growers, their communities, and the production regions. This is achieved through workshops and activities that enhance their knowledge of coffee processes and improve their personal skills, as part of a commitment to gender equality in Colombia. In other programs we can find: School of cupping, Peace and Sustainability, Grupo Sierra (Organic Certification), Management Hubs, Innovation and New Generation.

InConexus WOC Copenhagen RV-56

     Innovation and sustainability comes together in our DNA



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